❄ Winter Update! P2. 2
update!!SStreltiziaNEW Poll commandUPDATED Twitch notifications have been redesigned!Feedback | Suggestions | Issue Reports are always welcome!!!
❄ Winter Update! pt.2
❄ Winter Update! Pt. 2
❄ Howdy there!!!
- /poll - Create 3 different types of polls on Strawpoll where users can vote!
⚙QoL Updates
- There was an issue with the Genshin Impact commands not retrieving data all the time that should be resolved!
- /twitch has a complete redesign.
- You can now see the channel notifications, add, remove and update!
- Stream previews are now uploaded from the server to discord
- Role Mentions now happen outside of the twitch preview because mentions inside Embed do not send notifications to the roles mentioned
- There was a weird issue with the league commands for Master Yi that has been fixed!
Always more to come.
- Strx Devs
- Date
- 12/6/2022